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Victoria Park Neighbourhood Development Committee

There’s a new midrise residential development proposed for 169-183 Victoria Street South, between Park and Henry Streets. It is proposed to be an 8-storey multiple dwelling of 120 rental units, 1 and 2 bedrooms, including 24 affordable units. The developer is applying for CHMC for funding to create these affordable units. To qualify for this funding, at least 20% of units must have rents below 30% of the median total income of families and the total residential rental income must be at least 10% below its gross achievable residential income. This is good news for those seeking affordable apartments, and is something for which the Development Committee has been advocating.

An online Neighbourhood Information Meeting with City planning staff and the developer was held September 25. Some of the recommended changes made to the City Planners and the developer were to make 5% of the affordable units 3-bedrooms to ensure affordable housing options for families; equip all parking spaces with EV or EV-ready charging stations; consider solar panels and enhanced water conservations systems; select trees and plants according to their ability to withstand and mitigate the effects of climate change.

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